On October 16th, 2009, I woke up early to make some cupcakes. I didn't have time to make my usual cake from scratch so I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items like powdered sugar, and some vanilla cake mix. I have found that store-bought cake mixes aren't that bad if you are in a pinch. They always come out moist & have that signature "birthday cake" flavor. But that is here nor there when it comes to this story.
I was stressed out this day. I was tired, broke,...& honestly I did not want to be making cake. I wanted to be nestled in my bed while my box fan blasted as background noise. But God gave me a little reminder of His grace & love that engergized me for this particular morning.
I went to the baking aisle and gathered my ingredients. Six boxes of Pillsbury cake mix. As I was making my way to the express checkout counter...carefully looking to make judgements of who would be the speediest cashier & swiper...I noticed a farely large black woman in one of those moterized carts looking at me. I had chosen the line to the right of her and I figured she was starring at me thinking.."I should be in that line, she's gonna get checked out before me. "
So I pulled up into my line, where a enthusiastic black woman was helping the other customer infront of me. She was so polite, and just happy, with a big smile on her face, and just talking to her customer like they'd been friends forever. I swear she would have started dancing if there would have been a good ringtone going off.
Well the tired part of me really wanted to be annoyed at this lady for being so full of life so early in the day...but I wasn't. I remember thinking, 'how does she have so much joy right now...oh she must be a believer.' I could sense Christ's love pouring from her & it tickled me.
Well at this point I noticed that other big woman in the next line was still starring at me. I thought, man she really wants my place in line. And as I got greeted with a very joyful welcome by my cashier, the large black woman got my cashiers attention and handed her some paper & pointed at me.
She had given me 6 coupons for Pillsbury cake mix, knocking the price down to .40 cents each. My cashier seemed as thrilled as I was saying, "well look at that, look at that." I kept thanking the lady from a distance realizing now, what all the starring had meant. She wanted to give me something I didn't even know I wanted...or deserved.
Me and my cashier were now discussing the small, but great gift of this annonomous stranger's generousity.
I said, "Well talk about being at the right place at the right time."
I paused & said, "Small blessings."
She looked at me and announced, "You must know the Lord." in a kindered excitement.
I responded with a smile, "I do."
She gave me a high five and said "yep, there's no such thing as coincedences. The Lord is good. Isn't He good!"
I told her, " I knew you knew Him before I even talked with you, I could just tell."
"Our spirits are intune with eachother's. That's right. Isn't that something!"...as she kept shaking her head and smiling from ear to ear.
"I know, I know; you can just tell." I affirmed.
I'm sure the people behind me were like, what are these two crazy ladies talking about...and why are they so giddy with excitment...all it is, is a few dang coupons. Well all I can say is her joy woke me up from my slumber and got me out of my bad mood...& then the faithfullness & grace of God blessed me with something so simple but wonderful as $2.40 off of cake mix from a complete stranger...that I and this check out lady were filled with the holy spirit & just so thrilled to glorify God in those few moments of His devine intervention.
I can't make this stuff up. It's just so cool how God plans every last detail. From me arriving to the grocery store at that exact time... picking out 6 ..cake mixes...to coming to the line just in time for that woman to give me 6 cake mix coupons...not just any coupons..but the brand of mix I had, Pillsbury...to having me have a spirit filled conversation with a sister in Christ...someone to witness and experience that small blessing with me and not let it go unnoticed, cause He knows how much I get a kick out of that.
I mean what if I had gotten there 1 minute later...or I picked out Duncan Hines cake mix instead of Pillsbury...or I needed 10 instead of 6...or I had chose to go to the 3rd line over instead of the 2nd one. I mean seriously................................it's got God's name & creativity & Jesus's love & selflessness written all over it. WOW. If you let God be cool, he sure does define the word for you in ways you just can't think up on your own & ways you don't even know will thrill you. Take notice & seek it, and He will show up.
As I left I said "thank-you so much" to the woman in the moterized cart one last time. I got in my car and started driving down the highway..and kept kicking myself as to why I didn't go over and give that woman a huge hug because I so wanted to, or helped her to her car. I prayed that I would run into her again...so hopefully I'll be at Walmart one day and I can return God's love that she showed to me.
So even though I was tired and being a brat in the morning, God showed up & I noticed. He gave me another glimpse of who He is and humbly reminded me that I don't deserve that person's kind gesture, He gave it to me anyways because of His grace & love. And I thought...omg, i'ts just like how He gave His son as a gift to me to take away my sin & brokeness, hurt, constant search for this freedom & fullfillment, so I could really reunite with God.
And taking it to the next level I thought....It would have been rude of me to say..."No thank you...I don't need your coupons...I have enough money, I can pay for it myself." Of course not...I choose to take it, cause it's FREE, it benefits me, & it is this act of accepting another's love simply because they are giving it to us out of love that makes sense to our heart...accepting this coupon called grace, a gift I don't deserve....JESUS CHRIST's SACRAFICE. By accepting the coupon, I am returing love to the giver...saying I appreciate your gesture & I need & want your love in my life....I want that $2.40 off my cake mix...and I didn't even realize it until after I accepted your coupon. How nieve & silly of me to wonder why you were starring at me...when you just wanted to give me a gift. (do you see where I'm goin with this?)
God put's these random senarios all around us, all the time, all woven in each and every one of our lives to get our attention, to show who He is & that He wants you. He is just waiting for us to accept His coupon...accept His Son....So that He can be re-united to us & pour own more and more and more of his limitless love. Just take notice. Keep your eyes peeled & your hearts open...ask, wait and watch it unfold....because He is starring down from heaven at each one of us...trying to give us His Coupon.
Just had to share that story, it made my morning and the rest of the day for that matter.
There is nothing quite like......small blessings.
Later Gators
~AShley Marie
Have a sweet day and be filled with His sweet spirit.
Daily doses of life, spoonfuls of God's love, & connecting my so called life to Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween Treats
My favorite Holiday, Halloween, was here and gone. Talk about a busy one. I made a few treats for some customers. Check them out:
Cake Pops for all of you home-bakers out there, are really tasty, cute, and fun to eat....but...they are kind of a whipping to make. First you have to make your cake, then freeze it into balls, then instert the stick with chocolate, then freeze again, then dip the whole ball into chocolate...let dry...then decorate! So if you have some time they are worth it, but for a quick treat I recommend the good old fashioned cupcakes.
I started off Halloween Day at a Watermark Retreat for Community Groups. We went down Friday night to Frisco & stayed at the Embassey Suites Hotel. Open, Airy, Colorful, Cozy Beds & a great Breakfast Buffet...they have an Omlette Bar (I highly reccomend it).
Basically a 'community group' is a group of followers of Christ, that join together in order to spur eachother on to grow in your relationship with Jesus, to keep each other accountable in everyday life, & love, support, & encourage eachother through the good and the ugly. We meet once a week (not counting just hanging out on the weekends) to pray together, read the Word, dicuss life & the Lord and how He's working on our life, and to talk about the hard stuff and confess whatever has been on our hearts.
My group is made of 6 lovely ladies: Charme, Johnna, Kylee, Summer, & Missy, and Me. We went to this conference, not only to worship & better our comunity group goals, but also to spend quality time with eachother. So on Halloween morning...like 6:30 morning...we got ready, went downstairs & ate from the very long line of the breakfast buffet, went & listened to a few great speakers on how to disciple one another, we went to a couple seminars on topics like "How to have the Hard Conversations" & "How to Make an Impact in the Kingdom of Heaven." They had little candy bowls on each table. Hands kept reaching for it, while also hearing the unwapping of the plastic coverings during the Speakers presentation...Halloween was on the tips of our tougnes...literally.
After the conference we were all super tired, but Charmes boyfriend, Robert, was coaching the Covenant Football Team in Dallas & they were going up against a long undefeated team of Greenville. Covenant had been undefeated for the season and had a great chance of conquering Greenville. He wanted us there for support, and I love going to football games, & plus it was a bright sunny day.
After all our hoopin' & hollerin' & banging my boots on the bleacher stands to make extra noise, and Johnna praying for us "to be Humble WINNERS"...the Covenant team lost by TWO points: 28-30. Which shouldn't of happened because the ref called a faulty touchdown as good for the other team...but oh well...we won't go there haha. But what really stuck out to me all day, was both teams graciousness to winning & losing. At the end of the game after the teams shook hands they all gathered around the 50 yard line in a great big circle, coaches included.
Jersey & Polo Shirt colors mixed with Red, Black & Green together. They bowed their heads & prayed for a long time. I wanted to be a bumble bee on one of the players helmets, so I could listen to what they were saying to our Father, the Lord. But my ears were yards away from them, & the prayer was lost in the wind & sent up to heaven only to be heard by our God. I wonder what would happen if we all took this humble stance in life with all of our victories & losses. Maybe in the end in heaven the Dallas Cowboys will be mixed together with Eagle & Redskin Jersey's. It was a truely great game & an even greater ending.
Afterwards I rushed home to give a client some cake pops. She also is doing my apron monograming for the next Icing & Aprons photo shoot. I couldn't help but dig into all the chocolate candy bars my mom had in a bowl for the Trick or Treat Kids. I think I tried every flavor.
We all decided for Halloween to get dressed up and go to dinner. Kylee got to my house around 6 and we started peicing together RANDOM bits from my old halloween costumes & she transformed into a Biker Chick. I was a Strat Guitar. I borrowed my costume from my very good friend Katie. We were ready & it was time to rock & roll.
We met Johnna (the gypsey) & Charme (the cowgirl) up at the Harbor for lots of chips & salsa at Glorias. After our picuture session...the guys joined us. We were all playing our characters part. Johnna was reading people's hands, Charme was tipping her cowboy hat, Kylee was talkin' in a new york accent, & I was tuning my guitar asking what song everyone wanted me to play. We each gave eachother names:
Cake Pops for all of you home-bakers out there, are really tasty, cute, and fun to eat....but...they are kind of a whipping to make. First you have to make your cake, then freeze it into balls, then instert the stick with chocolate, then freeze again, then dip the whole ball into chocolate...let dry...then decorate! So if you have some time they are worth it, but for a quick treat I recommend the good old fashioned cupcakes.
I started off Halloween Day at a Watermark Retreat for Community Groups. We went down Friday night to Frisco & stayed at the Embassey Suites Hotel. Open, Airy, Colorful, Cozy Beds & a great Breakfast Buffet...they have an Omlette Bar (I highly reccomend it).
Basically a 'community group' is a group of followers of Christ, that join together in order to spur eachother on to grow in your relationship with Jesus, to keep each other accountable in everyday life, & love, support, & encourage eachother through the good and the ugly. We meet once a week (not counting just hanging out on the weekends) to pray together, read the Word, dicuss life & the Lord and how He's working on our life, and to talk about the hard stuff and confess whatever has been on our hearts.
My group is made of 6 lovely ladies: Charme, Johnna, Kylee, Summer, & Missy, and Me. We went to this conference, not only to worship & better our comunity group goals, but also to spend quality time with eachother. So on Halloween morning...like 6:30 morning...we got ready, went downstairs & ate from the very long line of the breakfast buffet, went & listened to a few great speakers on how to disciple one another, we went to a couple seminars on topics like "How to have the Hard Conversations" & "How to Make an Impact in the Kingdom of Heaven." They had little candy bowls on each table. Hands kept reaching for it, while also hearing the unwapping of the plastic coverings during the Speakers presentation...Halloween was on the tips of our tougnes...literally.
After the conference we were all super tired, but Charmes boyfriend, Robert, was coaching the Covenant Football Team in Dallas & they were going up against a long undefeated team of Greenville. Covenant had been undefeated for the season and had a great chance of conquering Greenville. He wanted us there for support, and I love going to football games, & plus it was a bright sunny day.
After all our hoopin' & hollerin' & banging my boots on the bleacher stands to make extra noise, and Johnna praying for us "to be Humble WINNERS"...the Covenant team lost by TWO points: 28-30. Which shouldn't of happened because the ref called a faulty touchdown as good for the other team...but oh well...we won't go there haha. But what really stuck out to me all day, was both teams graciousness to winning & losing. At the end of the game after the teams shook hands they all gathered around the 50 yard line in a great big circle, coaches included.
Jersey & Polo Shirt colors mixed with Red, Black & Green together. They bowed their heads & prayed for a long time. I wanted to be a bumble bee on one of the players helmets, so I could listen to what they were saying to our Father, the Lord. But my ears were yards away from them, & the prayer was lost in the wind & sent up to heaven only to be heard by our God. I wonder what would happen if we all took this humble stance in life with all of our victories & losses. Maybe in the end in heaven the Dallas Cowboys will be mixed together with Eagle & Redskin Jersey's. It was a truely great game & an even greater ending.
Afterwards I rushed home to give a client some cake pops. She also is doing my apron monograming for the next Icing & Aprons photo shoot. I couldn't help but dig into all the chocolate candy bars my mom had in a bowl for the Trick or Treat Kids. I think I tried every flavor.
We all decided for Halloween to get dressed up and go to dinner. Kylee got to my house around 6 and we started peicing together RANDOM bits from my old halloween costumes & she transformed into a Biker Chick. I was a Strat Guitar. I borrowed my costume from my very good friend Katie. We were ready & it was time to rock & roll.
We met Johnna (the gypsey) & Charme (the cowgirl) up at the Harbor for lots of chips & salsa at Glorias. After our picuture session...the guys joined us. We were all playing our characters part. Johnna was reading people's hands, Charme was tipping her cowboy hat, Kylee was talkin' in a new york accent, & I was tuning my guitar asking what song everyone wanted me to play. We each gave eachother names:
- Johnna: Ezmerelda
- Kylee: Rizzo
- Charme: Piper
- Me: Roxi
We laughed, and played 'senario,' & just enjoyed eachother's company. It was the best Halloween I've had in a long time. After we went back to my place to play pool...well the guys played pool that is.
All in All it was a Hap Hap Happy Halloween!
I Wish it was EVERYDAY!!
Oh & we carved pumpkins too the other weekend...so fun.
Have a sweet day and be filled with His sweet spirit.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Just got a super cute apron from Anthropologie & talked with the same checkout girl from my last trip. I bet somebody $5.00 that next time she will ask me 'what's up with all the apron buying, freak?' ha You can send me my winnings to my address....a check is fine, make it out to Icing & Aprons. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
So my first day officially in the Kitchen was last Wednesday. I was making gold, brown, & fuschia cupcakes for a wedding shower. They were chocolate flavor filled with a chocolate ganache and topped with chocolate buttercream. I had some other cakes to bake, so while that was happening, I was busy decorating with fondant. I filled them, iced them, & then covered them with colored fondant.
The day went pretty good except that my Ipod died & I had no music. Just my thoughts to entertain myself. I boxed up the cupcakes & brought them back to the house to wrap them in ribbon. I also found these cute stamps that I've been using on my boxes to give it an extra personal touch.
I delivered them to Margie, my first order along with a stack of business cards. My first real order under Icing & Aprons under my apron belt. Wow, I thought I'd never get to this point.
I remember walking with my Mom really down & upset, and just so ready to get started with this business. She got real firm with me & said Ashley, I haven't been seeing you do anything to further the process. There's all these things you could be doing and your not doing it. I got really defensive & went on a whole spill about how I can't do anything until I get to this 'other' point...I can't imagine in yet. I need to SEE it.
And here I am in the kitchen, delivering my first order, & looking back thinking wow I knew it was possible, I knew it was going to happen after all those years of waiting & wondering WHEN....the 'when' happens as you walk in faith...and there you will be, standing right in the middle of WH----(ME!)----EN!
Thanks Mom for being tough with me and asking me the hard questions...you know that I need to be challenged constantly. You told me the truth...that I needed to stop making excuses and feeling sorry for myself & make it happen. If it wasn't for you, I would still be on one of those long walks with you in our neighborhood wondering 'when' everything was going to start rolling. Love you.
Have a sweet day and be filled with His sweet spirit.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Melting Ice-Cream CAKE

This past Saturday night some of my friends threw a suprise birthday party for our friend Josh. Robert, Charme's boyfriend, told him that we were celebrating an Award my mom had recieved. Robert was very vague about this award, & even though Josh kept inquring about what exactly we were honoring, Robert insisted it was a special award and that he better pick up a card for her. HAHA.
Josh is this stand-up Godly guy that wouldn't accuse his good friend of lying over the sake of throwing him a suprise party...so he went along with it I'm sure...yet I wonder if in his car there was a back-up card for my mom just in case. We will just never know lol.
I was racing around with my head cut off after a crazy day at the Provi Grand Opening. I had to run home, go deliver baby shower petit fours in Rockwall, go get Josh a Birthday card which then turned into being in the card aisle for way too long laughing dileriously by myself at all the card messages. You know those ones that are pre-recorded that all the employees at Walgreens despise & are cursing and pulling out their hair because people like me want to hear every one before choosing one...which always ends up being the first one I pulled anyways haha.

It was a 7 Layer ICE-CREAM cake. I made it before a few Christmas's ago. It's basically everything I think is good piled on top of eachother. Since I was so busy, I told my mom step by step what to do & she graciously put everything together. God Bless her...you know what; she does deserve an Award. I need to throw her a REAL Award party & make Josh buy her a Card!
- Mashed Oreo Cookie with butter
- Blue Bell Home-MadeVanilla Ice-Cream
- 1/2 Torted 10" white cake
- Caramel Sauce with whole Peanuts
- The other 1/2 of Torted white cake
- Chocolate Sauce
- Cool Whip
Freeze in-between every layer so the layer come out clean & even...Sprinkle with some Oreo Crumbles, and stick a fork in it....Cause you are Done!!! Super easy to make, you just need time to freeze it.
We lit the thing a blaze and Jason walked it upstairs. We all gathered around the pool table & watched Josh with a big grin on his face blow out his candle as we finished the Happy Birthday tune.
Josh thanks everyone for what a blessing the party & all of us were to him, and then Robert asked if we would go around and say what about Josh we were thankful for. Lots of kind words were shared, a few tears, and a few laughs. I haven't known him for very long, but he is truely a genuine man living & serving the Lord & leading these men in encouraging ways. And you can tell by the way the guys speak about their friend & his heart & character. Josh ended by giving all the glory to God & saying everything he does is by the grace of God & what his son did for him and us on the cross.
So it was time to cut the cake, but we all had so many great things we wanted to say about Josh & how he reflected the Lord's character, that the frozen ice-cream cake had turned into more of a melted frozen yogurt 7 layer cake at this point. But no worries, we scooped it out with a big spoon and down it went. Tasted like a giant Snickers Bar! Johnna made the comment that the cake was just like Josh, made of many layers...and Charme said "All good, chocolate goood, ice-cream good, peanuts goooood..." haha
We ended the night with a game of sharades with me crawling on the floor trying to act like a Turtle for the movie "Teenage Mutant Nijna Turtles" pretty ridiculous..i love my friends.
Thanks to all of you that have been there for me and continually inspire me to chase the Lord everyday. A group of faithful saints & servants, a grounded pillar to always hold me up through His strength.
"...To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." ~Mark 12:33
Monday, October 19, 2009
Cake & Answered Prayers!
This Saturday was the Providence Place BridalBoutique & Special Events Center's Grand Opening Party in Rockwall. I work there part time as the concierge & they were in need of a cake, so I volunteered my services.The bridal boutique itself is frilly, lavish, & over the top so I knew it was going to be a fun cake to create.
The shop is decorated in black, white, with splashes of light pink. I replicated that with a 3 tier cake with feathers & jewels spraying out the top, Fondant detail on flowers, and ribbon, & scollwork with black fudge icing. The flavor was white cake, brushed with raspberry liquer combined with simple-syrup which is sugar + water (this mixture makes the cake moist & gives it a hint of first-class punch), cream cheese icing & raspberry mousse filling....HOLLA!
We had the VIP party & ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, & the Dream Wedding Military Give away on Saturday...then we Cut the CAKE. The women I work for are all amazing Christian women followers of Jesus Christ. They've combined their passion for healthy & happy marraiges with helping create the beautiful wedding day for couples by establishing a bridal boutique....PROVIDENCE PLACE. They are also part founders of ANTHEM STRONG FAMILIES.
We had the VIP party & ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, & the Dream Wedding Military Give away on Saturday...then we Cut the CAKE. The women I work for are all amazing Christian women followers of Jesus Christ. They've combined their passion for healthy & happy marraiges with helping create the beautiful wedding day for couples by establishing a bridal boutique....PROVIDENCE PLACE. They are also part founders of ANTHEM STRONG FAMILIES.
I say if you can find your passion & mold it with your gifts & in the name of Christ with the goal of serving Him & His word, there is nothing more rewarding & nothing can hold you back. What is He calling you to do?
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. " ~Col 3:23-24

I sat on my bed one night & prayed outloud---"God please if there is a way for me to leave this job, PLEASE close this door and open a new one. Please create a way for me so I know it's time to leave." I thought, I know I will NOT quit on my own because the pay is too good, I know they need me, & I don't have any other options right now to pay my bills & pay for this kitchen too. I'm just tired of working here & I feel like my mind & heart are not being stimulated.
The NEXT morning I went into work & Margie my boss said Ashley come have a seat in my office we have alot to talk about. I sat down and she said, "Well it looks like we are not going to need you for the Fall anymore. We just can't take anymore employees on right now........etc"
As she kept talking, I began not listening & just sat in my mind in awe of God & his power, creativity, & punctualness! Talk about an instant answered prayer. I literally was glowing inside and laughing to myself and with Him at His straight up faithfullness. I didn't know what job I was going to be able to find, but I had peace about it, because I knew this answered prayer was from Him and that He would provide for me some how.
The next week I applied for a job at a couple cake & chocolate shops (i love chocolate as much as cake). I was at church & I mentioned to Charme, my friend in my community group, that I was looking for a job so to pray for that. She said, "Actaually my sister's friend just opened a bridal boutique in Rockwall and she really needs somebody quick. I'll give her your information it's right up your alley."
Erin, one of the owner, called me that weekend and we met up at the shop for an interview. She explained their need, & that they were Christians and there would be a whole lot of praying going on aroud there so as long as I as comfortable with that....uh yeah! And it turns out that my Advertising Degree from Texas State University would also be needed. She offered me the job a few hours later.
Erin, one of the owner, called me that weekend and we met up at the shop for an interview. She explained their need, & that they were Christians and there would be a whole lot of praying going on aroud there so as long as I as comfortable with that....uh yeah! And it turns out that my Advertising Degree from Texas State University would also be needed. She offered me the job a few hours later.
All I did was ask God to help me...and my heart truley put it's complete Faith in Him....and He answered me...in a way that was something I never would have thought of and a way that went beyond my expectations. So now not only do I have job...it's part-time, it's 10 minutes from my house, it's built by Lord loving women, it's a direct connection to my business of cakes & special occasions...& I didn't have to carry around the guilt of quiting my old job..plus I get to play dress-up with sparkly things whenever I want. ALL by TRUSTING in the LORD and His Power and Will for me.
And of course ALL of my expriences with the Lord are validated & match up with His WORD in the bible. Because this life may be surrounded by questions & myths & satan's lies...BUT if you have the Lord in your heart & trust that He saved you from your sins....These mysteries are put to the test with His Word, His Truth. In that, His actions and His character are revealed, & the truth of all the worldly confusions are unveiled by His word & spirit EVERY time.
Yay for God, Yay for His Son, Yay for His Spirit & Yay for Cake
~Psalm 24:5
"Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him."
~1John 3:21-22
~Matthew 21:21-22
This is the Providence Place Owners, Photographer, Event Planner,& Staff. I'm on the far left. Check out Providence Place at www.purelypovidential.com 603 S.Goliad Rockwall, TX 75087
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cupcakes for Johnna
Tonight I had a special request from a good friend...Miss Johnna. She's a 2nd grade teacher in Quinland & she is also one of the most loving & beautiful people I know, inside & out. Her school is having a fundraiser bake-sale tomorrow and she asked me last week if I would make something for it. So I thought...little kids...bright color and flowers. I got home from work & busted those things out super quick tonight...lightening-fast-speed...you know like Superman...Superwoman that is! I impressed myself. Strawberry & White Cake with Vanilla ButterCream.
My last job was teaching pre-schoolers Art at the Nature & Science Museum, and I would bring my kids cupcakes for their parties. Dang little kids love icing. They would eat the Icing first...Lick it off actually...and then the cake. They'd have pink & blue stains all over their face & fingers. Mind you they are 3 & 4 so to eat all that icing is a sugarrush...bouncing off the walls....wired...not an ounce of shut eye...kiddo in the making. I'm sure their parents were thrilled with me. Anyways, here are the cupcakes for the fundraiser.
My last job was teaching pre-schoolers Art at the Nature & Science Museum, and I would bring my kids cupcakes for their parties. Dang little kids love icing. They would eat the Icing first...Lick it off actually...and then the cake. They'd have pink & blue stains all over their face & fingers. Mind you they are 3 & 4 so to eat all that icing is a sugarrush...bouncing off the walls....wired...not an ounce of shut eye...kiddo in the making. I'm sure their parents were thrilled with me. Anyways, here are the cupcakes for the fundraiser.
I'm glad I was able to help you out Johnna...so honored you even asked me to. It's important to share the gifts the Lord gave me...and when kids are involved its an added Bonus. Everyone has something special to give...and asking the Father for guidance is the best way to tap into it...that's what I've learned. He opens so many more doors and turns on the lights in ways you couldn't have ever imagined. God is cool...enough said.
"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? "~Matthew 7:11
Monday, October 5, 2009
"I DO" Tres Leches Cake
This weekend I was busy baking a few tres leches cakes for my brother Chris and Monica's engagement party. The menu consisted of fajitas, lots of guacamole, my Dad's home-made salsa, Monica's sopapilla cheesecake and the tres leches cake. It was quite a filling dinner.
Meet Sally<---- She does the mixin for me so I can be mobile in the kitchen. Now when you whip your eggwhites, make sure and mix until stif-peaks are formed. Kinda looks like Shaving Cream! I remember th first time I did this at a bakery I used to work at. I was amazed that cracked eggs could change in to such a drastic consistency...actually it kinda wierded me out, I'm no gonna lie. After the magical transformation happens FOLD the eggwhites into the batter, don't over stir...the eggwhites makes the cake fluffy. I like the word fluffy...so anythng fluffy is an ace to me. K, PoP that baby into the oven at 350 degrees until its done. I never trust the 'minutes' people tell you to leave your cakes in. Every oven & batter is different...just like us! So be patient and wait till it feels kinda bouncy and spongy (such fun words this cake has associated with it.)
Now the good stuff, the main attraction...put your hands together FOR....the Three Milks. "Yay, alright, whoo hoo, check them out." as the audience goes wild. Okay enough. Stir together Evaporated Milk, Whipping Cream, and Sweetened Condensd Milk.Once your cake is out of the oven, go watch an episode on Food Network b/c it's going to take a while to cool down. Okay now that Rachel Ray's 30 minute Meals is over...go poke holes with a fork all over the cake, get out that aggression. Pour about half of the Trio Milk mixuture over the cake until it soak it up. Let it sit over night in the fridge if you want it extra good.
To serve pour the remaining milk on a cute vintage dish, plop a peice of cake, use a glob of whipped cream to top it and drizzle some homemade carmel syrup And VeLa TRES LECHES CAKE ready for tasting. I use a spoon to eat mine, so I can scoop all the milky goodness up.
The crowd at the party seemed to enjoy it. CONGRATS you two crazy lovebirds! Later that night Monica asked me to be bridesmaid for the wedding. My first time to be one and it's at my brother & best friends wedding, what an honor & blessing. Wonder what the dress is going to look like?
Here are the main ingredients for the cake, i'd give you the recipe, but now why would I go and do that ;)
So sugar, flour, vanilla, milk, unsalted butter, cream of tarter, baking powder, & lots of eggs and eggwhites (depending on how dense you want your cake) The more eggs the denser it becomes...but you do want it to be heavier than a normal cake so it will soak up the milk.The crowd at the party seemed to enjoy it. CONGRATS you two crazy lovebirds! Later that night Monica asked me to be bridesmaid for the wedding. My first time to be one and it's at my brother & best friends wedding, what an honor & blessing. Wonder what the dress is going to look like?
Have a SWEET day & be filled with His sweet spirit.
Witches Tea Party for Three
"And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me." ~1Corinthians 11:24
What: Witches Tea Party gone SWEET
Who: Icing & Aprons Treats, 3 cool witches, & a corky baker
Where: Provi Place Haunted House
When: One Hollows Eve
Last night Icing & Aprons had it's first photo-shoot...upon many to come. Halloween Cupcakes & Cake Pops were the stars along with my 3 amazing friends Jennifer, Johnna, & Missy. They were kind enough to let me be-witch them in feather eyelashes, black lipstick, crazy wigs, & pointy hats. They rocked the photo-shoot & were the perfect accessory to the Cupcakes!
We arrived at the shop (Providence Place Bridal Boutique...check them out at http://www.purelyprovidential.blogspot.com/ to set up all the props that I had purchased from Walmart in their BOO-Tique....lots of cool stuff yall and cheap! So the girls were batting their eyelashes, smiling for the camera & smelling the cupcakes. Literally...sniffing them. We hadn't eaten dinner yet, so the smell of icing was too much for us to handle. During the shoot our stomachs would rudely interupt with a "rraoorahharaaa"....growling one by one. The models asked if we were going to get to eat the cupcakes when it was over. I was scared to turn my back for too long in fear that my main Props would be EATIN! haha.
After the shoot was over we decided to eat the Cake Pops...dessert before dinner. Missy had her pretty glitter-pink lashed eyes on that poor Bat CakePop all night. She took the bat and chomped it's wings off first...but don't worry they were made of chocolate.
The girls peeled off their eyelashes and De-Wiged. We drove to Chiluso in Rockwall in search for some grub, but they closed at 8:30. We sat in the parking lot trying to figure out what would be open at 9, on a Sunday, that was fast...but not fast food. Then Johnna said there was a Which Wich by Kroger. We agreed...and as I was rolling up my window, Missy yelled out the car...
The girls peeled off their eyelashes and De-Wiged. We drove to Chiluso in Rockwall in search for some grub, but they closed at 8:30. We sat in the parking lot trying to figure out what would be open at 9, on a Sunday, that was fast...but not fast food. Then Johnna said there was a Which Wich by Kroger. We agreed...and as I was rolling up my window, Missy yelled out the car...
"WHICH WICH!!!!!! GET IT!!!"
Isn't that hilarious...a little too ironic, don't ya think (oh Alanis) I totally heard that song today too! God keeps adding to the ironic-ness...wait is that a word? Anyways, He's funny.
Missy prayed over our food and thanked God for the fun night & our time together. Thank you Jesus for showing me even cake can reflect the glory of you & for you...bringing friends together for a common purpose, eating together in remembrance of you and what you did for us on the cross.
I remember earlier in the night Miss said "Love Jesus, Eat Cake." I think it has a nice ring to it :) And man did we thank Jesus for that food...we were delirious and starving! Mmmm that sandWITCH was good.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it ALL for the Glory of God." ~1Corinthians 10:31
I remember earlier in the night Miss said "Love Jesus, Eat Cake." I think it has a nice ring to it :) And man did we thank Jesus for that food...we were delirious and starving! Mmmm that sandWITCH was good.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it ALL for the Glory of God." ~1Corinthians 10:31
(To Order cupcakes for Halloween email me at icingaprons@gmail.com ...starting the week of October 24th! And more pics of this fun evening coming soon. Visit my facebook page under Icing AndAprons)
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