Monday, October 5, 2009

"I DO" Tres Leches Cake

This weekend I was busy baking a few tres leches cakes for my brother Chris and Monica's engagement party. The menu consisted of fajitas, lots of guacamole, my Dad's home-made salsa, Monica's sopapilla cheesecake and the tres leches cake. It was quite a filling dinner.

Here are the main ingredients for the cake, i'd give you the recipe, but now why would I go and do that ;)
So sugar, flour, vanilla, milk, unsalted butter, cream of tarter, baking powder, & lots of eggs and  eggwhites (depending on how dense you want your cake) The more eggs the denser it becomes...but you do want it to be heavier than a normal cake so it will soak up the milk.

Meet Sally<---- She does the mixin for me so I can be mobile in the kitchen. Now when you whip your eggwhites, make sure and mix until stif-peaks are formed. Kinda looks like Shaving Cream! I remember th first time I did this at a bakery I used to work at. I was amazed that cracked eggs could change in to such a drastic consistency...actually it kinda wierded me out, I'm no gonna lie. After the magical transformation happens FOLD the eggwhites into the batter, don't over stir...the eggwhites makes the cake fluffy. I like the word anythng fluffy is an ace to me. K, PoP that baby into the oven at 350 degrees until its done. I never trust the 'minutes' people tell you to leave your cakes in. Every oven & batter is different...just like us! So be patient and wait till it feels kinda bouncy and spongy (such fun words this cake has associated with it.)

 Now the good stuff, the main attraction...put your hands together FOR....the Three Milks. "Yay, alright, whoo hoo, check them out." as the audience goes wild. Okay enough. Stir together Evaporated Milk, Whipping Cream, and Sweetened Condensd Milk.Once your cake is out of the oven, go watch an episode on Food Network b/c it's going to take a while to cool down. Okay now that Rachel Ray's 30 minute Meals is over...go poke holes with a fork all over the cake, get out that aggression. Pour about half of the Trio Milk mixuture over the cake until it soak it up. Let it sit over night in the fridge if you want it extra good.

To serve pour the remaining milk on a cute vintage dish, plop a peice of cake, use a glob of whipped cream to top it and drizzle some homemade carmel syrup And VeLa TRES LECHES CAKE ready for tasting. I use a spoon to eat mine, so I can scoop all the milky goodness up.

The crowd at the party seemed to enjoy it. CONGRATS you two crazy lovebirds! Later that night Monica asked me to be bridesmaid for the wedding. My first time to be one and it's at my brother & best friends wedding, what an honor & blessing. Wonder what the dress is going to look like?

Have a SWEET day & be filled with His sweet spirit.

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