Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of thine heart. ~Psalm 37:4
So the local kitchen I will be renting from opens this week, which means I have to get moving to advertise what
Icing & Aprons is all about. My hope is to be in the commercial kitchen within a month & taking orders.

The website should be up in the next couple weeks to explain the concept for Icing & Aprons as well as prices, flavors, services, picture galleries, & more.
So technically I'm in business...I mean all the "legal" mumbo-jumbo is done &...I have my company bank account with real checks that say Icing & Aprons in the top left corner...so that counts for something. I know I'm pretty excited about it. Just waiting to work through the creative stuff & I should be on a roll.
I will say that I do not know exactly what I am gettig myself into, what my schedule is going to look like, or how any of this is going to meld together...but I do have faith that God will work his magic like he always does & spin out footsteps that are laid out way better than anything I could come up with. My biggest hope through this business is to some how...by His will...bring glory to Him & connect His name and word to as many people as possible. To be just one more bridge to the Lord for searching & lost people. That they might come to know Him, understand & experiece His love & purpose in a beautiful & adventurous way like He continues to show me everyday. He ALWAYS steps up and is there...through thick & thin...bitter & SWEET. The Son, Jesus, is HOPE...and with that I have peace in wherever the wind of this life takes me. So with a bold step of faith...I am beginning this cake journey...and resting, Father, on Your guidance. We shall see what the future holds..
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. ~Psalm 139
I will keep yall updated when things are in place and ready to begin. Thanks to everyone in my life...you all have been such a blessing and encouragement...a true rock, leaning post, & inspiration.
Have a SWEET day & be filled with His sweet spirit.
With Much Luv,
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