Tonight Christ has been on my heart alot. How he just gave his life for me, so that I could find myself in Him, so that I can walk over the bridge of Jesus Christ and connect and see the Father, God as Christ supports my feet. How undeserving I am to be made perfect through Christ's sacrifice and accepting His selfless act of obedience and love. That any hands should bleed from thorns if they held my heart & felt my mistakes. But God's grace through His son freed me from that mess & keeps changing my heart to reflect His. gzzzz its so awesome. Everyday, He shows me something Everyday.
I guess I just want everyone to know Him, to give Christ a chance, a genuine chance to let him in and see what happens. What do you have to lose? Why is it so hard to fess up to yourself & God what's really been going on in your life and admit that you've made some bad choices..& some really bad choices..we all have...WE ALL HAVE. Why must we feel this need to hang on to all of that hurt, shame, pride & baggage...when God gave us a way out. He sacrificed His son so that Jesus could bare the load for us and we don't have to. I think that sounds like a really good deal if you ask me...an awesome gift that we should AT LEAST ask about it if we are unsure of the legitimacy...to find out the details...at least inquire about the option. I mean whens the last time you really asked someone something that they couldn't prove...but you believed them cause you trusted them or respected them. Well the creator of the universe, the maker of every flower, fish, thunderstorm, vascular muscle, breathing, you & me, the ingredients for chocolate....If He did all that I'm pretty sure we can trust Him with our questions.
Asking Him about his son...this Jesus character people talk about...who is he, should I know him, is he real, will you show me who he is if he is real like people say. If its a sincere question your heart makes...what is the harm in asking God. If you genuinely want the answer from him He will show you. Maybe not in the way or when you want or expect, but if you let him work He will show you the answer.
Here's the deal-Pickle. If you feel bad about the crap you've done or gotten into & you want to be freed from it...you need forgiveness. The only way God sais you can get true complete forgiveness is to accept Jesus's death on the cross as a debt payed. God traded his son for our clean slates. Jesus's death covered our sin. It cancelled out all of it; sin no longer has dominion over us through Christ...thank GOD! And when He rose on the 3rd day after His death guess what...He cancelled out death too. He CONQUERED it.
When we do something wrong, we feel bad...because deep down even if you don't realize it or accept it...we are in a relationship with God our Father and we have hurt him...so that hurts our hearts too...just like any relationship with two people involved. We are separated from Him and the only way to mend that disconnect is the Christ connection. Our soul is yearning and moaning for forgiveness...yet we people keep choosing not to listen or acknowledge that moan, we don't want to give up our baggage...we want to be miserable, smiling in public...but alone in our thoughts and our bedrooms. Perhaps because it's the only thing we know and are used to...but that doesn't make it the best way to live...ya know. Give it up, let someone capable of handling it take care of it. Give it to the Lord & live.
Okay I'm stepping off my soapbox. Just got really stirred up tonight and my heart hurt for people that are hurting. I don't like it I tell you...I just don't like it!
Goodnight and if I know you, I love ya...and if I don't...well I love ya anyway cause God loves ya, so you must be okay in my book ;)
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
--Matthew 7:7
"I tell you he truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." --John 5:24
I'm so glad you wrote this, and that I got to read it. Your love for The Lord warms my heart. He will bless you greatly for being a warrior for Him. <3