Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm A Describer


  • To convey an idea or impression of, characterize
  • To give an account of in speech or writing
  • To represent pictorially; depict
  • To trace the form or outline of
Synonyms: narrate, recite, recount, relate, report.

I had an epiphany last night after reading in Jeremiah 10. I was writing some notes on it and got one line in...and picked up my journal instead. What are your real reasons Ashley for learning scripture, reading the bible, and seeking wisdom and knowledge of who God is? What is the purpose? If I gained all this 'stuff' that I knew in my head and my heart...what am I uniquely suppose to do with it all? I know we are called to share it....but everyone hears things so different, everyone communicates so different...how am I suppose to share it with people...I am not fluent in speaking with people I don't know and even those I do.  "Make Him the focus....the eye in the sky...whom I am DESCRIBING." The word 'describing' which I journaled resonated in my head. OH. I was made to Describe who Jesus is to people. I am gifted at describing things....relating...connecting...representing. I have always seen something and connected it to something else...that's how my mind works. It's a describing train...the boxcars being words, pictures, feelings, ideas.

God made my purpose a little more clear last night...to desrcibe this mystery of the gospel in all avenues of my life whether in....painting, photography, music, writing, cake, and on and on...wherever else He takes me. I knew all my talents were connected to Him, but when put in terms of DESCRIBING Him to the world instead of the words telling...sharing...explaining...talking...speaking...etc...it came full circle and really made sense to me. In painting I describe whats going on in my soul through color and images. In music I describe through emotion and an inner cry/connection. In photography I describe the essence and splendor of a moment. In writing I describe with relating, words, emotion, experiences, ideas and thoughts. With cake I describe with creation, color, senses, and joy. In all aspects of life....if I can deny myself from living in the flesh (flesh meaning my own desires as a human when I'm not filled with the spirit )....and be so in tune and one with His heartbeat and will...then I should be describing Him fully in all I do, make, say, create. Loving someone well by sacrificing my time or whatever I put aside is a reflection of His love...it's a form of describing him to another person...even without words or explanation. Describing Him is a train with endless boxcars...Jesus is in the Engine AND at the Caboose.
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
 ~Colossians 1:15-17

I was always looking for and running to the Chief Engineer heading up the cars running the show. I didn't realize He was at the beginning and the end. He's the image. God is invisible and I have to describe Jesus' image. He is in all things and everything points back to the cross...so I have to describe that. Maybe that is how and why I understand my Savior so visibly. It is this gift He has given me of connecting things--->images...emotions...truths...experiences...people....ideas...thoughts....And since He is in all things...connecting everything back to Him makes complete sense to me. It flows...it congeals...it all lines up. God has described Jesus to me...now I get to describe Jesus to others. What an awesome thing to get to describe...especially when everything and I mean everything points to Him....He is the glue that holds us all together....He is the butter in the cake mix...He is the essential ingredient.

So when people ask me what I do for a living....maybe I'll say..."I'm a Describer."


  1. "How you spend your dash"

    I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. Her referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning...to the end. He noted that first came her date of birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years. (1937-1999)
    For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on eart... And now only those who lover her Know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own: The cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live and love And how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard... Are there things you'd like to change? For you never know how much time is left, That can still be rearranged. If we could just slow down enough To consider what's true and real, And always try to understand The way other people feel. And be less quick to anger, And show appreciation more And love the people of our lives Like we've never loved before. If we treawt each other with respect, And more often wear a smile... Remembering that this special dash Might only last a little while. So when your eulogy's being read With your life's actions to rehash... Would you be proud of the things they say About how you spent your dash?
    Spend it well

  2. guess i was in a hurry and didn't spell check, sorry.

  3. I love that! It's over in a blink...we are but a vapor in the air. I hope we all illuminate that dash and decorate it with purpose.
