Ditch the morning latte...A Loving way to spend your $3.
I was in Dallas last week at a stoplight and I read a bumper sticker on a car in front of me that said "God is Pro Life." I thought yes He is...which led to thinking other things. Like... 'that's cool that person has a bumper sticker that proclaims that statement for other people to see. It's cool that person is being bold and isn't afraid of what others think. Man, why aren't there more things in this city in front of my face that I can look at about God...about Jesus? Why are there all these other words, advertisements, and visuals to look at, but no truth to look at? Why don't we have scripture on our cars?" Ding ding ding...we have a winner. What if all the believers in this city wrote the word of God on their cars with shoe polish. Can you imagine?? Well I imagined it...and it's awesome. Think about how many people see your car a day...going to work--->coming back from work--->going to the gym--->at the drivethru--->at stoplights--->ummm everywhere. Then multiply that and think of how many eyeballs would gaze at the WORD OF GOD if all your family did it, your friends, your community group, your church.
When you are on your way to the grocery store for milk...those who don't know Jesus and those who do know Jesus will be parked behind your bumper. Let's share what our eyes have seen and our ears have heard with people...let's not keep this hope just to ourselves that Christ has given us. Let's give light to it. Isaiah 55:11 says: "So is the word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Who knows what God would do in someone's life...or what person He will make your car cross paths with that day. Maybe...encourage, save, lift up, comfort, give hope, restore, speak to, give wisdom and understanding, change hearts, give peace, love?
So...yesterday I heard the calling again and I turned into the grocery store and bought a $2.99 stick of white liquid shoe polish. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I started having doubts and all these scenes played out in my head of people persecuting me for it...BUT THEN...a red truck passed in front of me slowly and in the corner of the windshield on the bottom right hand side was a big smiley face :) written in..that's right...Shoe polish. It was like God was giving me the thumbs up...waving the flag to push toward the goal...and smiling at me. I got home and was searching in my bible for a chosen scripture and the first one I flipped to was blocked off in a pen marking. Matthew 24:9. My eyes caught it and it read, "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and yo u will be hated by all nations because of me." Well that is okay I thought. I expect that. I am going to ACTS 20:24 this thing and keep trucking. I got a scripture from a note card I had taped on my mirror, Romans 5:8. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." I painted the letters onto my SUV's back windshield. The words speak for themselves, I don't have to do anything except press the gas.
This morning I felt humble as I drove to work at 8 am. Traffic on either side, in front, and behind me. I wondered who was reading it. I wondered as I switched lanes who I would be in front of next. Who had God aligned for my white Kia Dottie to pass or slow down in front of? Who walked by it in the parking lot today? Did a little kid sitting in the backseat ask their mom who Christ was and what the words meant on the car? Was there a believer who was having a bad morning and then became hopeful after reading that...remembering God's love for them? So many hopeful scenarios...I'll never know....and I think that's the cool thing about it...because God gets all the glory, we aren't in control of the people who see or don't see it...He is...therefore we can not boast. "Offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness." ~ Romans 6:13 Be His instrument. Let your car be an instrument for righteousness.
So...anyone who has 3 bucks laying around...buy a stick of shoe polish and choose a scripture to share with God's people. Proclaim Him boldly on your car like that one person did with a bumper sticker in a creative way. Get your family, friends, community group to do it with you. We as people who have been blessed by Him to know the mystery of the gospel have a responsibility and longing to share that love with others of this eternal and glorious hope that Jesus brings to all who know Him. "I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of god for the salvation of everyone who believes." Romans 1:16. Join in on sharing the gospel with your city...one shoe polish scripture at a time. I'm going to switch it up every week I think. Acts 20:24 "However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me---the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.""
WARNING-SIDE EFFECTS: Putting scripture on the back of your car may make you into a more graceful and kind driver. (knowing I was representing the Lord today while behind the wheel caused me to not drive as fast or cut anybody off)
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